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Miss Schneider's  5th Grade Classification WebQuest


Author: Nicole Schneider 

Date: November 2015


What is Classification?

  • Give a short summary of the lesson. Include the webquest’s essential question.



Performance Objectives

  • What are the performance objectives of this lesson?

  • List 2 – 3 performance Objectives.



  • What will the students understand as a result of this lesson?

  • How will the student be different?

  • What will they be more able to do?

  • Can they apply this to other areas?


Scaffolding Knowledge

Essential Question: What is it that you want students to know when they are done with this lesson? Succinctly state the essential question


Tips on Scaffolding Verbs:


Level Activities (List the activities in the lesson that will address this level of scaffolding knowledge)

  • Remember

  • Understand

  • Apply

  • Analyze

  • Evaluate

  • Create


Multiple Intelligences

  • Linguistic

  • Logical-Mathematical

  • Musical

  • Bodily-Kinesthetic

  • Spatial

  • Interpersonal

  • Intrapersonal


Mind Styles

  • Concrete Sequential

  • Concrete Random

  • Abstract Random

  • Abstract Sequential


Standards Addressed

  • What standards are addressed in this lesson.

  • Please use Common Core State Standards or New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.

  • Remember to address Technology Standards as well.


Teacher Preparation

  • Examples:

  • Materials:

  • List any printable handouts needed:


Key Terms: List any new vocabulary words you expect students to understand. Provide the definition

  • Term

  • Term

  • Term

  • Term


Alternate Outline – Accommodations


  • Students who are below/above grade level

  • Lack of one or more materials (ie, the teacher does not have computers in the classroom).

  • English Language Learners supplemental materials


Suggested Follow-Up

  • If students need more practice on skills, visit……

  • Know and understand the seven levels of classification.

  • Apply that knowledge as they practice classifying animals.

  • Evaluate and compare the classification of animals.


This lesson explores the classification system used to identify animals. Most children are fascinated by animals and often have an animal that is a particular favorite, possibly even an animal the child has never seen before. Children also like to order and sort things, and this lesson melds both of these interests. This lesson is specifically designed to move quickly beyond the knowledge level to high-level thinking. This lesson can be taught to an entire classroom or given as a self-directed extension activity.

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