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Pick an Animal & Classify it!



  • Pick your favorite animal that you would like to focus on for this portion of the WebQuest!

  • After you pick your favorite animal, you will go to the University of Michigan Mueseum of Zoology's Animal Diversity Web to research your favorite animal! This is a great database resource to research and explore different animals!

  • In the search box on the right hand side of the website, type in your favorite animal and enter it into the datatbase.

  • Then, write  out its classification (which can be found on the far right hand side of the website after entering the animal into the database)

    • Kingdom: _____________________________

    • Phylum: _______________________________

    • Class: _________________________________

    • Order: _________________________________

    • Family: ________________________________

    • Genus: ________________________________

    • Species: ______________________________

  • Then after you write down the classification of your animal, you will research different facts! You can record the information on this graphic organizer.

  • After researching the same animal that you classified, you will create a poster of your animal! 

  • On your poster you should include:

    • All of the information that you researched on your graphic organizer

    • A picture of your animal (at least one) 

    • Your animals classification (kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species)

      • ​Make sure that the spelling is correct for each part of the classification of your animal!

  • Click here to see an example of what I am expecting you do to for this assignment! I chose to research the BLUE WHALE! 

  • This is the rubric that will be used to grade your animal classification poster!

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