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Biography Unit
Ms. Schneider's 5th Grade Reading Class
What is a biography?
A biography is a non-fiction genre that is a written account of a person's life written by another. The word biography comes from the two root words, bio and graphy. Bio means life, and graphy means writing. Therefore, biography means writing about life.
Definition: the story of a person including all the relevant information and details about his/her life
The main character is a biography is referred to as the subject of a biography.
Objectives of this unit
Students will be able to identify the different elements of biographies
Students will be able to identify important information about the subject of their biography
Students will understand the differences and similarities between biographies and autobiographies
Students will understand the subject's of their biographies and analyze the decisions, challenges, and actions that their subject makes
Students will be able to complete a project about a subject of their choice

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